
How to register a Google developer app and get OAuth 2 credentials

January 31, 2024

  1. Create a Google Developer account and sign in.
  2. Go to the Google Cloud Platform console.
  3. Select or create a project.
  4. Enable the necessary APIs for your OAuth application. For Google Directory, make sure that you have the Admin SDK API enabled.
  5. Generate OAuth credentials (client ID and secret). Enter these values in https://app.unified.to/integrations/googledirectory or https://app.unified.to/integrations/google?auth=1
  6. Configure the authorized redirect URIs for your application. For Unified.to, this must be either https://api.unified.to/oauth/code or https://api-eu.unified.to/oauth/code
  7. Set up consent screen information for your application. This will include your application's name and logo.
  8. Select the appropriate permission scopes. You will at least need openid, userinfo.email, userinfo.profile, admin.directory.group.readonly and admin.directory.user or admin.directory.user.readonly.
  9. Publish your OAuth application and make it available for users. Before you complete this step, only members of your Google account will be able to access your application.
  10. Once your application is approved and verified it will start showing your application name on the authorization consent screen. Until then it will be showing the "unified.to" name, which is inferred from the redirect URL.