
Unified.to Nov 2023 product updates

December 8, 2023

How software teams are building with us

We've launched 127 integrations this year so far with 5 categories and several new ones in beta. Here's a few creative ways software teams are using Unified.to right now.

  • HeroHunt.ai, a recruitment platform, is using ATS data to enhance their candidate sourcing solution (they've launched 22 ATS integrations) and to support enterprise-level customers.
  • Sylva, a community-development platform, made it possible for Tech Ladies, the largest community of women in tech, to create candidate applications within their job board platform using our ATS integrations.

Ideas for adding integrations to your SaaS

We met with developers at the Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal this month. Learning about what they're building has been amazing, and we're eager to help. So, we've started putting together developer guides for common SaaS use cases.

Guide: How to build a candidate assessment product

Learn how to build a candidate assessment product using pre-built ATS (applicant tracking system) integrations with platforms like Teamtailor, Lever, and Greenhouse. Leverage ATS data to automatically send candidate assessments at the right stage and update applications with the results.

Read the guide

Guide: How to build a lead generation product

Learn how to build a sales lead generation product by using pre-built CRM (customer relationship management) integrations with platforms like Salesforce, Hubspot, and Pipedrive. Leverage CRM data to add leads to your customers' preferred CRM seamlessly.

Read the guide

Commercialize integrations with a directory page

Deployed integrations? Simplify promotion for your marketing and sales teams. Create an integrations directory on your website using our latest UI component for public websites. Just copy and paste one line of code to showcase activated integrations on your site.

  • Add an integrations directory to any web page with one line of code
  • Watch your website update automatically when new integrations are deployed
  • Easily customize CSS styles, integration categories, click-through URLs and tabs

Create your free account

Add accounting data to your SaaS

Need accounting data for your SaaS? Whether your SaaS relies on third-party accounting data for reporting & analytics, expense tracking, or tax compliance — we've made it easy to extend your functionality and support more customers with accounting integrations.

Now available:

Start adding accounting integrations

New SDKs: Ruby and C#

We've added support for Ruby and C# (C-Sharp) to our SDKs in addition to Go, PHP, Java, and Python. Our SDKs stay up-to-date automatically with our Unified APIs, ensuring you never miss out on the latest enhancements.

We've been able to rapidly deploy SDKs thanks to our partnership with Speakeasy.

Learn more about our SDKs

Integration updates



  • 2 new integrations: Cornerstone and Jobvite.
  • Added Interview webhooks to Lever.
  • Added Job object to BambooHR.
  • Added Application object to BambooHR and Sage.
  • Added Interview object to Lever.
  • Added Document object to Teamtailor and Workable.
  • Ashby object Candidate added new readable fields: link_urls
  • BreezyHR object Candidate added new readable fields: link_urls
  • Crelate object Candidate added new readable fields: link_urls
  • Greenhouse object Candidate added new readable fields: link_urls
  • Greenhouse object Job added new readable fields: recruiter_ids and hiring_manager_ids
  • JazzHR object Candidate added new readable fields: link_urls
  • JobAdder object Job added new readable fields: hiring_manager_ids and status
  • JobAdder object Candidate added new readable fields: link_urls
  • JobScore object Candidate added new readable fields: link_urls
  • Lever object Candidate added new readable fields: link_urls
  • Lever object Job added new readable fields: recruiter_ids
  • RecruitCRM object Candidate added new readable fields: link_urls
  • Recruiterflow object Candidate added new readable fields: link_urls
  • SmartRecruiters object Candidate added new readable fields: link_urls
  • Teamtailor object Candidate added new readable fields: link_urls
  • Teamtailor object Application added new readable fields: source
  • Workable object Candidate added new readable fields: link_urls
  • ZohoRecruit object Candidate added new readable fields: link_urls
  • Lever object Candidate added new writable fields: name, emails, address, tags and telephones
  • Lever object Job added new writable fields: addresses, name, employment_type, remote, departments, description and hiring_manager_ids



  • Added list_updated_gte pagination for Member to HubSpot.
  • Added list_sort_by_created_at pagination for Member to HubSpot.
  • Added list_sort_by_updated_at pagination for Member to HubSpot.
  • Added list_order pagination for Member to HubSpot.
  • Added list_query pagination for Member to HubSpot.


  • Added list_updated_gte pagination for Customer to HubSpot.
  • Added list_updated_gte pagination for Ticket to HubSpot.
  • Added list_sort_by_created_at pagination for Customer to HubSpot.
  • Added list_sort_by_created_at pagination for Ticket to HubSpot.
  • Added list_sort_by_updated_at pagination for Customer to HubSpot.
  • Added list_sort_by_updated_at pagination for Ticket to HubSpot.
  • Added list_order pagination for Customer to HubSpot.
  • Added list_order pagination for Ticket to HubSpot.


  • Added Account webhooks to Xero.
  • Added Transaction webhooks to Xero.
  • Added Account object to Xero.
  • Added Transaction object Xero.

Need help getting started with customer-facing integrations? Ask for help on Discord, watch our tutorials, or request a meeting with our integration experts.

That's it for now. Thanks for reading!
