
Unified.to Dec 2023 product updates

January 3, 2024

It's time for our latest product roundup of the year! We've been focused on expanding our unified Accounting API, improving our onboarding content, and expanding feature support for candidate assessment apps. Here's everything we shipped.

Support for Application Status

Unified.to's unified ATS API now supports Application Status. Execute application status list retrievals from ATS integrations like Greenhouse, Workable, Workday, and more. Display application statuses and execute the trigger status for sending assessments, tests, and background checks in candidate assessment apps.

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Support for Bank Accounts & Transactions

We shipped our unified Accounting API in November, starting with Xero, QuickBooks, and Zoho Books. Apps leveraging our Accounting integrations for reporting & analytics, expense tracking and tax compliance can now benefit from broader support for Bank Accounts and Bank Transactions.

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Support for Tax Rate and Organization

Tax Rate and Organization were highly requested objects for our unified Accounting API, and they're now supported across our Accounting integrations.

  • Tax Rate: Read tax rates to ensure accurate financial calculations and compliance in your app.
  • Organization: Read your customers' business information, such as legal name, fiscal year end, and currency.

New HR integration: ELMO

Unified.to's ELMO integration supports Group and Employee objects. Launch ELMO plus 93 other similar integrations to your app in hours.

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New CRM integration: Attio

Unified.to's Attio integration supports Contact, Company, and Deal objects. Launch Attio plus 90 other similar integrations to your app in hours.

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New HR integration: Paycom

Unified.to's Paycom integration supports Group and Employee objects. Launch Paycom plus 93 other similar integrations to your app in hours.

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Tutorial: Test Sandbox user connections

Unified.to's Sandbox environment is great for testing the configuration of an integration and creating user connections without having to add an integration to your app.This guide explains how to leverage our Sandbox environment.

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Tutorial: Embedding user authorization

Unified.to's Authorization widget provides a user authorization experience with one line of code. Configure CSS styles, permission scopes, integration categories, data regions and more. This guide explains how to set up the Authorization embed for your app.

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Guide: How to register a Google developer app and get OAuth 2 credentials

In this guide, you'll learn how to quickly register a Google developer app, generate your OAuth 2 credentials, and activate a Google Directory integration within Unified.to.

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Interview: StartWell podcast

Unified.to's CEO Roy Pereira was featured on the StartWell podcast where he shares on his entrepreneurial journey, the origins of Unified.to, and why today's SaaS developers should be focused on building products, not third-party API integrations.

Watch the video

5/5 on G2

"No other unified API provider has the authentication flexibility that Unified has, their embedded authentication script works great in no-code tools. Support is also incredibly helpful and quick to respond, any issues I faced are resolved quickly and feature requests were also considered and implemented. Could not ask for a better integration partner!"

We'd like to thank our customers for helping us maintain a 5/5 rating on G2 this year.

Read the reviews

We hope these updates accelerate your integration development in the New Year. Keep coming back with questions and feature requests.

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Happy holidays and thanks for reading.
